April 2005
Get a Professional on Your Side
Save Time, Be Safe, Be More Profitable – Get A Professional On Your Side
Of course, you’ve got a wealth of experience behind you and a good understanding of the lift industry. But, sometimes the rules get grey, or you simply haven’t dealt with a certain situation before and need a little support.
Wouldn’t it be great if you had a professional on your staff for those moments when you needed answers right away? Someone with wide exposure to the industry who could provide the information you need quickly and authoritatively. Access to such a resource would make you more responsive and efficient, saving you time and money. It would give you an edge over your competition and allow you to take on new situations with confidence.
So what are you waiting for? It’s readily available – you just have to ask. Let me give you an example.
Recently, we took a phone call from a good client of ours who was overworked and out of town looking at a job. He needed to provide his customer with crane outrigger loads for a series of lifts, and he needed to get the information out that afternoon. On the road with no access to information or support from his own office, he turned to us for help. We were the only ones he knew who both had the relevant charts from Demag, which were supplied in German, and knew how to read them.
It wasn’t the first time that we’d fielded calls like this one and it’s what makes our service so different from our competition. It’s called friendly professional support that’s available when you need it. It’s part of our service and, in some cases, it costs nothing.
Some questions we’ve answered include:
- What loads will be on each of the two cranes we’re using to pick this silo?
- My aerial / crane delivers X pounds per wheel / outrigger. The floor I’m working on allows a load of Y KPa. Can I use this equipment or do we need to consider some other options?
- Do I have to certify my crane in its first year out of the factory to put a manbasket on it?
- Am I required to inspect a pair of removable forks from the bucket of a front end loader?
- What’s involved in a ten year boom teardown inspection under CSA standard Z-150? What about a five year hook teardown inspection?
- Do I have to derate my scissorlift to put a pipe rack on it?
- Do we have to tie off when we’re in a scissorlift, and if so, why isn’t there a lanyard point?
- I have an older crane. Do I need a load monitoring system? How about an anti-two-block?
- Can I put a manbasket on my telescoping material handler?
- We got shut down by the Ministry for using a factory-made manbasket on our boom truck because we don’t have a design drawing. Are they out of their minds?
- Is it legal to use a crane here that was made for use in Europe or Asia?
The list goes on and on. In many cases, clients call us before they call the Ministry of Labour because, as one client put it, “you’ll probably be able to give me the answer faster”.
Of course, engineering tasks requiring appropriate paperwork costs money. However, many questions are simple and can be answered quickly given our experience. For these, we are happy to provide the information at no cost. We do so because we value our clients and want them to have the advantage of our expertise over their competition. The philosophy has provided us with a very loyal customer base.
So how did we help our out of town and overworked client? We worked out the outrigger loads from the German chart based on information given to us by our client. We then contacted his customer on his behalf to deliver the results. That’s when we found out that they were looking at a completely separate series of lifts using a Linkbelt crane. No problem, we had relevant load charts and outrigger tables from them as well. We verified that the suggested crane would be able to carry out the lifts within capacity and then worked out the outrigger loads. We faxed the information to our client and his customer. Finally, we put the end customer in touch with our client to get information on pricing and availability on the new crane. The end customer was happy and impressed with our client’s responsiveness.
Our experience allowed us to solve this problem in about a half an hour of our time. Since no report was required, we did not even charge them for the help.
Our clients use us as a powerful technical resource and not only get first class inspection and engineering services but, as a regular customer, get our in-depth technical expertise as a bonus. Make Domson your all around partner in the lift industry and put our professional experience to work for you.